3 Things to do Each Morning to Maximize Your Productivity

Everyone knows that how the first hour or so of the day goes often sets the tone for the rest of the day. If that first hour is stressful and overwhelming, the rest of the day will feel stressful and overwhelming. Conversely, if you are relaxed and calm, the rest of your day will flow smoothly and calmly. Recently, I shared 3 of the things I do before bed each night so that I start the next day off right. Today, I’m going to share 3 of the things that I do each morning to maximize my productivity each day.

Whether you’re at home all day, or you are out and about, doing these three things first will ensure that you feel good and are productive.

3 Crucial Things to do Each Morning to Make Your Day More Productive

1. Make Your Bed

Until about a nine months ago, I hated making my bed. I didn’t see the point. Why make it up if all I’m gonna do is get back into it as soon as I possibly can? That all changed back in January. I took a 21 day routine challenge, and the first routine I had to establish was making my bed. At first I begrudgingly did it, figuring if it was too much hassle I could always stop when the accountability of the challenge was over. But, I never stopped, and I bet once you start you won’t either. Making up the bed first thing in the morning works wonders on the rest of my day! A made bed makes my bedroom look cleaner, which makes coming home so much more pleasant.

2. Spend Time Centering Yourself

Take a solid 20 minutes to an hour to get yourself centered, grounded, and focused for the day. This looks different for each individual. Some people like to meditate, do some stretches, or read a book. As a Christian, I like to read my Bible, pray, and meditate for a bit, and then I like to look over my planner for the day. Other people I know like to read a personal development book for a while before diving in to their day. There are so many options, but the main point is that you need to spend some time investing in yourself before you jump into the busyness of life.

3. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast

This is so crucial. You need to start your day off by fueling your body well. Skipping breakfast, or eating a sugar laden breakfast will only cause a major energy slump and loss of productivity later on. It is SO much better to start the day off with a healthy breakfast centered on protein, like scrambled eggs with lots of veggies and some cheese, or a bowl of oatmeal with berries and honey-sweetened greek yogurt. I personally go for a giant egg and veggie scramble with bacon and a cup of coffee sweetened with stevia just about every morning. If you need ideas for healthy breakfasts, you can visit this blog


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